John D. Rockefeller Tactics To Success

John D. Rockefeller was born in the year 1839 did not have the advantage of growing up with his father Richford around him. He however had her mother who proved to be her greatest asset and source of major business knowledge. He proved to be a good student right from his youth as it did not need him a lot of energy to digest the simple business tips his mother gave him. He grew up to be a great business man who is now envied by many people. John did not have any secrets towards business success but had the qualities that are necessary for one to succeed.


After john was taught by his mother the art of saving, he gave it his best short. He used to work for the neighbors to earn some money. This shows that john was not choosy as you would expect of youths of the age of twelve. Many would rather be with the comfort of their toys rather than work for money. He began his entrepreneurial skills at a young age. He reared turkey for his mother so as to earn some money. Like any entrepreneur he takes risks when he lends money to a local farmer to be paid at an interest of 7%. Hi is also an opportunist and that is a trait that took him far. After getting his interest, John learns that it is better to have money as your servant than you being a slave for money. This shows us that he has learnt how to invest. Also after taking on his first job, he does not work for long before entering into a partnership business. He doesn’t want to work for money, but instead wants money to work for him.

Hardworking and Persistent

Since he was a young boy, John had the culture of hard work. He used to work to earn some money to save. His employer at the book store like him for his work and John used to give his earnings to the church. He had the culture of giving which he was taught by his mother. From this we can learn that john was a keen learner and never forgot what he was taught. They refer to him as serious, honest and diligent. These are the traits that drive people to success. John was also very persistent. When he was looking for his first job he went into some book stores for more than three times until he got a job.

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